On the Up and Up: Elevator Safety Tips For Everyone


Assessment is key when entering an elevator.

Before getting on the elevator, if elevator is empty when you get on, push close door button immediately after entering. 

  • If someone is on the elevator and you feel ANY unease, GET OFF. Take another elevator, wait for this one to come back for you, without that person or take the stairs.

  • Once on, be aware of other people. If they get off on your floor, try to be sure that you are not followed to your room. Attempt to stand close to the control panel with your back against the elevator wall. Identify important buttons and/or the telephone, these buttons are the alarm, door open, floor buttons, etc.

  • Avoid pushing the large RED STOP button, as this will cause the elevator to stop immediately, you want the door to open if there is a problem.

  • When stepping off the elevator, look both ways before existing especially in parking garages.

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